Expertise and 10 Reasons to Hire an attorney to Review and or Negotiate your Commercial Real Estate Transaction.
Many Commercial Leases are very lengthy 40 plus pages. Apart from many of the basic terms, there are many pitfall for the unwary.
1. Pros and Cons of a Shorter term vs. Longer term lease.2. Rent commencement is not always clear, can you get early possession.
3. Know in advance about rent increases, and certain late fees.
4. Understand what expenses you as Tenant are responsible for, and how this may increase over time.
5. Negotiate rental allowances for free rent and improvements.
6. Assigning & Subletting requirements.
7. Escape Clause: If business is bad after the first year or two, that the business owner can get out relatively unscathed.
8. Can the Landlord rent to your competition.
9. Under what circumstances can the Landlord terminate the lease.
10. Have you been asked to personally guarantee the lease.
11. BONUS. What are you responsible for if you default on the lease.